For a while now, I've been wanting a place to keep our mail and keys, plus a dry erase board for lists in the kitchen. So instead of spending money on something already made, I thought I would try and make something out of things around the house!

Mission: To create organization out of this pile of junk! Although, I'm going to miss that little message on the dry erase board. Mark had that waiting for me when we got back from our honeymoon to the apartment in New York. So cute!

This storage box came in handy. Instead of taking up space in the closet, it's now being used as the mail holder. I just cut the top off, and painted it.

I painted all of the frames black, painted the inside of the box blue, and attached a scrapbooking embellishment on the front that says "mail".

Ta-Da! A FREE organization station for our kitchen!
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