Wednesday, August 6, 2014

6 Months

We have made it to half a year, and what an adventure it has been! These little guys have grown so much! They are full of smiles and giggles everyday!

• You got your first two bottom teeth
• We have really been working on your head shaping. Laying on your right side as much as possible and going to PT every other week. You are making progress!

• You squeal a lot and loudly! Mostly at 5am :)
• Goo goo and ga ga all the time. Just a little chatter box!
• You got your first two bottom teeth - just a few days after Brady

Both Babies
• Taking pacifiers much more now. This is a good thing - because it almost always soothes both of you
• We have really been getting more into solids this month. I've started making their fruits and veggies and they eat them up!
• Started using the high chairs for the solids - less mess now
• Started juice this month - you both love it!
• You are both sleeping about 10 hours every night. Most days your naps go pretty well. We have been working on getting a routine down and moving our bedtime later so we can sleep later than 5am!

A few cute and memorable things that have happened this month:

Ava loves entertaining her cousins :)

Ava being a big helper and feeding the boys!

Favorite toy this month! Easter books - they love chewing on them.

While playing with his bunny book, Brady became distracted by his cute feet!

Brady found a new friend!

Brothers love holding hands!

William having fun sitting in the Bumbo.

Daddy Time!

Enjoying some good Mexican, yummy!

Brady loves his face plants!

Some friends stopped by to hang out!

Practicing holding our bottles! Yay!

Love these keys - thanks Gigi!

What?? Do I have something on my face??

Mom's little helpers :)

Train Conductors!

Brady's PT session - getting stretched out.

William catching a soonze while we enjoy Pizza Inn buffet!

Such a sweet little Brady!

We love taking walks now! No crying at all!
Mommy and Brady Selfie

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