Friday, January 31, 2014

The First Month

The first month with our twin boys started out in the NICU. They stayed here for 7 days.  We would visit them several times a day and also delivered breast milk every three hours. Mark and I changed rooms three times during that week! The last room we moved into was on the NICU floor. We were able to room in with the babies the last couple of days. So thankful for this experience as I not sure what I would have done had they just handed over my two babies and said, see ya, good luck!

The last major hurdle was removing the feeding tubes - after that we were headed home!

All dressed up in their matching baby blue elephant outfits we headed home to Fort Leavenworth in our new minivan! My mom was there to greet us and I was so thrilled to take a shower and get on some clean clothes! I had not packed for a week stay in the hospital.

In the following days home, plenty of cuteness ensues! The babies take lots of naps in the pack and play downstairs and Mark and I switch off feedings at night, so we are each getting some good chucks of sleep. We get plenty of visitors and most bring meals!! We ate very well in those first few weeks - thanks to our neighbors, friends and PWOC!

My mom is here for the first month. She was so very helpful! Cleaning, laundry, helping with the babies and helping to get the house ready for our upcoming move!!

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