Monday, December 2, 2013

30 Weeks

30 Weeks
We had a great appointment with the Perinatologist today!  Both have gained lots of weight! Baby B has closed the gap and now they are only 3oz apart!! Great news!! Heart, brain, and bladder are all looking good. Everything is looking good. :) Still no signs of TTTS - which is good. The doctor said we are probably out of the woods with the TTTS.

Baby A
22 Weeks - October 3 - 17oz
24 Weeks - October 17 -  1lb 6oz  - 39th Percentile
26 Weeks - October 31 - 1lb 15oz - 42nd Percentile
28 Weeks - November 13 - 2lb 8oz - 40th Percentile
30 Weeks - November 27 - 3lbs 5oz - 44th Percentile

Baby B
22 Weeks - October 3 - 14 oz
24 Weeks - October 17 -  1lb 2oz  - 9th Percentile
26 Weeks - October 31 - 1lb 9oz - 10th Percentile
28 Weeks - November 13 - 2lb 2oz - 14th Percentile
30 Weeks - November 27 - 3lbs 2oz - 34th Percentile

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