Friday, November 1, 2013

26 Week Check Up

We had an appointment with the Perinatologist today. Everything is still looking good, but they are a bit worried about Baby B's growth. Even though he has been consistently gaining weight at each appointment, they seem concerned about the difference between the babies weights (18% Difference). So, we will begin weekly checkups with the Perinatologist in Overland Park. The good news is that there are no signs of TTTS so far. Each baby has good fluid levels.

Baby A
22 Weeks - October 3 - 17oz
24 Weeks - October 17 -  1lb 6oz  - 39th Percentile
26 Weeks - October 31 - 1lb 15oz - 42nd Percentile

Baby B
22 Weeks - October 3 - 14 oz
24 Weeks - October 17 -  1lb 2oz  - 9th Percentile
26 Weeks - October 31 - 1lb 9oz - 10th Percentile

26 Weeks!

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