Wednesday, November 20, 2013

29 Weeks

We had another check up today. Everything is looking good! The boys are doing great :) Feeling them kick quite a bit - actually, as I'm writing, feeling some movement!

29 Weeks

Thursday, November 14, 2013

28 Weeks

We had an appointment with the Perinatologist today. He checked their growth and organs. Everything is looking good. Both have gained weight! Heart, brain, and bladder are all looking good. We got to see them each take a breath - Baby B had the hiccups!  Still no signs of TTTS - which is good. Each baby has good fluid levels.

Baby A
22 Weeks - October 3 - 17oz
24 Weeks - October 17 -  1lb 6oz  - 39th Percentile
26 Weeks - October 31 - 1lb 15oz - 42nd Percentile
28 Weeks - November 13 - 2lb 8oz - 40th Percentile

Baby B
22 Weeks - October 3 - 14 oz
24 Weeks - October 17 -  1lb 2oz  - 9th Percentile
26 Weeks - October 31 - 1lb 9oz - 10th Percentile
28 Weeks - November 13 - 2lb 2oz - 14th Percentile

Baby B - Profile, looks like he is scratching his head :)

Baby A - Profile :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

27 Weeks

Today, we had another visit with the specialist in Overland Park. He didn't check the weights of the babies, but did check for TTTS and there is still no signs. He also checked the blood flow from each baby's umbilical cord to the placenta - both have a good flow. So we had a great checkup!

27 Weeks

Friday, November 1, 2013

26 Week Check Up

We had an appointment with the Perinatologist today. Everything is still looking good, but they are a bit worried about Baby B's growth. Even though he has been consistently gaining weight at each appointment, they seem concerned about the difference between the babies weights (18% Difference). So, we will begin weekly checkups with the Perinatologist in Overland Park. The good news is that there are no signs of TTTS so far. Each baby has good fluid levels.

Baby A
22 Weeks - October 3 - 17oz
24 Weeks - October 17 -  1lb 6oz  - 39th Percentile
26 Weeks - October 31 - 1lb 15oz - 42nd Percentile

Baby B
22 Weeks - October 3 - 14 oz
24 Weeks - October 17 -  1lb 2oz  - 9th Percentile
26 Weeks - October 31 - 1lb 9oz - 10th Percentile

26 Weeks!