Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer Trip to Georgia

After the Family Reunion, Mark had to return to Kansas to work. Jennifer, Ava, Mom and I loaded up and headed to Georgia to visit Meme and Pawpaw!

 Ava found the brass bells that we used to play with when we were little! Meme has an extensive collection.

 A toast to their anniversary! We all got to celebrate with them while we were there - and even got to watch the birthday videos again!

 Uncle Carr and Aunt Mary Ellen!

 Me, Ava, Pawpaw, Kylie, Meme, Maggie, Payton, Mom, Jennifer, Uncle Carr

 We all wore stripes!

 Poor little Ava got stung by a wasp - but she was very brave...and recovered nicely!

 We took a trip to the museum at Fort Benning - it was really cool!

Ava wearing her super cute shirt made by her Aunt!

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