Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tulip Festival

Our first festival in Kansas - The Tulip Festival in Wamego, KS. It was a great festival and beautiful setting! But we did have some bad weather - it was a weekend full of tornados! Luckily, they missed us, but we didn't escape the 30 mph winds!

 Setting up the tent!

 Mark, showing off the tent!

 The cute little pond right behind our tent.

 Some new additions to the onesie lineup.

 This little cutie got lots of laughs!

 We stayed at a bed and breakfast for the weekend. The Innkeeper's granddaughter was little entrepreneur! We offered to sell her bookmarks in our booth.

 More onesies!

After the winds became too much for our little tent to take, we had to take it down. This is how our shop looked after - we had to strap everything down!

Some of the Wizard of Oz was filmed here - we ran into Dorothy and her friends at lunch!

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