Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year Mark and I hosted Thanksgiving at our home. We really missed Mark's parents and Betsy, who couldn't make it because she deployed the day after Thanksgiving. We are praying that you make it home safely! And we also missed The Little's! My parent's and Uncle Bud and Aunt Susan did make it, and it turned out to be a very delicious holiday!

Our festive table decorations.

More Thanksgiving decorations made possible by my mother, thanks!

Aunt Susan, me and Mom.

My first Turkey - he turned out beautiful!

Mark carving up the turkey - great job!

Mom catching the parade before dinner.

Aunt Susan, Dad and Mom.

Everything is done, now it's time to eat!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you mean Thanksgiving 2010?? haha! you knew i would catch it! also, that glass of white wine in the last photograph looks nicely chilled and yummy! Hope y'all had a great thanksgiving!
