Monday, February 10, 2014

One Month Old

The second month proved to be much more demanding than the first. When we first brought the boys home, all they did was sleep. Then as soon as the second month began, the boys woke up! Both babies struggle being awake without being held. This past month we have been up around the clock with endless feedings, more crying than we can take, and at times, a few breakdowns from all of us.

With all of this going on, we also have to move to Alabama, in the snow! So we loaded up the minivan and started our week long journey! First stop, some hotel along the way, then on to Greenville for a weekend stay. Mom and Dad took the babies for the night, that was like heaven!! We got some much needed sleep :)

Next we drove to West Point and stayed with Mark's parents. After a few nights, we all packed up and made the final leg to Huntsville. After much help from Mark and Debbie, we were moved in enough to spend the night in our new house. The first night, the heat went out, in the middle of February!! Luckily we had a gas fireplace that heated our living room until the next day. 

To deal with the constant need of the babies to be held, I tried out my Moby wrap. It worked great and I could get a few boxes unpacked while wearing little Brady, thanks Debbie!