Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mule Day Festival!

Last weekend we attended another festival in Alabama. Sales were great and we still made it to Starkville for the game!

Getting the booth set up.

Lots of people.

Early morning - someone needed a nap!

Ava's 4th Birthday Party

The decorations for her party turned out so cute!

Party favors!

The cake matched the invitations! And it was delicious!

Ava was having a ball with all of her friends!

The jumpy house was a hit!

Time for pizza!

Blowing out the candles!

What a cute gift! Love the Minnie Mouse shirt!

And what a cute "Fuzzy Friend"!

Vegetables From Our Garden

The backyard garden is finally paying off!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Big Black River Festival

This past weekend we traveled to West, MS for another festival. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time! Everyone was so friendly and we made plenty of sales!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Prairie Arts Festival

This weekend, Tracy Scott Design debuted in our first festival! We participated in the Prairie Arts Festival in West Point, MS. It was a great success! A big thank you to everyone who came out and supported us! Mom and Dad, Jennifer and Ava, and Mark and Debbie! And thanks to my husband for all his hard work, setting up and taking down the booth, and helping me sell all day!

Ava is having a great time with her new Cuddley Animal!

Mark is a very talented artist too!