Monday, August 29, 2011


Mark had to go to Honolulu for work this week - so I came along and we decided to make a vacation out it!

Me and Mark at Jimmy Buffet's.

The view of Diamond Head outside of our hotel door.

View of Waikiki beach off of our balcony.

My birthday! I got to turn 32 in Hawaii!

My cousin, Keysey, lives in Honolulu. So we met up with her at a local restaurant.

We had a great time talking and getting to hang out!

We went to a luau on the beach.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Turtle Bay

After Mark finished up his work in Honolulu, we spent the weekend in Turtle Bay. We took the scenic highway up to the North Shore - Lots of beautiful views along the way!

The beautiful view from our balcony of the pool and ocean.

Enjoying happy hour and the sunset!

Even the surfers stopped to enjoy the sunset!

We even found enough time for a round of golf! Nice par Mark!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


We decided to learn how to kayak while we where there. We kayaked around turtle bay and got to see lots of turtles!

The bay we kayaked in.

Our guide.
One of the turtles we saw - in Hawaii, they call them Honu.

We hiked around the island.

This is one of the giant trees that "Lost" filmed a lot in!