Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Weekend Camping Trip

Over Memorial Day weekend we went camping with Mark's Parents at Jellystone Park near Jackson.

Set up the campsite!

Getting the fire started.

Mark played in a tournament Saturday morning, and he won first place in his flight! Way to go honey!! That's his trophy that he won.

Fishing - but we didn't catch anything.

Shelby wanted to fish too!

Look at the cute Quilted Qoozie!!

Yogi Bear was trying to steal some Picnic Baskets!

Yogi and Boo Boo dancing!

Ava's First Dance Recital

Getting ready!

Me and Jennifer.

Jennifer, Ava, Autumn, and Summer.

Ava is dancing to Teddy Bear's Picnic.

Dancing so good!

Playing Candyland

JA Luncheon

We had a beautiful lunch at Southern Oaks.

Our outgoing class.

Margaritaville Bunco

I hosted Bunco at our house this week. Margaritaville was the theme!

Some of the ladies in my bunco group - we had a great time!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dinner and The Theater

Last weekend, Mark surprised me with tickets to the local theater. We saw The Drowsy Chaperone at The Saenger. It was a great show!

One of the song and dancing scenes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Relay for Life

Relay for Life was last Friday. We had a great turn out. Thanks for everyone who helped support our team!

I decorated the Survivor's tent - the theme was "Lights, Camera, Action - for a Cure!"

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for letting us borrow these cool table decorations!

Team members walking the track.
The stage.


We also managed to make it to Ikea and buy some cool stuff!

Coke Museum

Last week I went to Atlanta with Mark on his business trip. While we where there, we went to the Coke museum!

Mark and I with John Pemberton, the inventor of Coke!

Mark walking through Centennial Park barefooted.
