Friday, December 30, 2011


This year we spent Christmas in West Point with the Scott's!

Beautiful Tree!

Mark and Shelby are all ready for Christmas!

Merlot likes his tummy rubbed!

Uncle Bud and Aunt Susan came over for the fun!

Betsy opening a gift!

This should keep Debbie warm during the Bowl Game!

Another sweater!

Mark is hungry - don't eat the whole turkey by yourself!

Christmas cookies a la Tracy Scott Design!

Christmas morning we stopped by The Little's in Tupelo. That was some great coffee punch, Jennifer! My grandparents and parents were there too - so glad we got to see them on Christmas!

Ava loved her gift from Betsy!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

Shelby wants to help decorate!

Putting the lights on the tree!

Mark is putting up the final piece of the tree!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

This year we spent Thanksgiving in Georgia with my Grandparents. We went up a day early to stay at Callaway Gardens. We had a great time!

Me and Mark in front of the Poinsettia Tree at the Sibley Center.

Me, Ava, and Frosty!

Me and Jennifer
We also went to the Fantasy in Lights - it was really cool! We got to ride the Jolly Trolly!

Cooking up Thanksgiving Dinner!

Gigi and Ava

Meme and Mom.

Jennifer and Daddy.

Uncle Carr and Pawpaw.

Meme and Ava

Ava sang for us and did a dance! She did sooo good!

After dinner, we all went down to the river walk to ride bikes. It was a beautiful day!

Ava wore her cute Turkey Shirt made by her Aunt Tracy!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

House Tour

Well, it's taken me two years, but I am finally getting photos of our house up! I guess selling the house is the push I needed! Enjoy the tour!

Living Room

Living Room

Living Room

Dining Room

Dining Room



Half Bath

Master Bedroom

Master Bath

Guest Bedroom

Upstairs Bathroom



Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hilton Head

Mark played in the eGolf Amateur Tour National Championship this weekend in Hilton Head.

We went to the famous Hilton Head Harbor. They had some huge boats!

We came across a festival downtown.

Cute little place!

Crab racing!

Is this animal cruelty??

Beautiful views!