Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

Ava was very excited about her new Ariel wig. She loves the Little Mermaid!

Opening my stocking.

More stocking opening. Love those huggies!

Daddy opening his gift from me - a new brochure for The Delta Room.

Four generations on one couch!

What a nice picture of me and my grandparents.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Me and Mom posing with our "holiday head gear"!

Such a beautiful family!

Is Santa here already?? I see two reindeer!

Aunt Shell and Uncle Flip.

Memaw, Uncle David, and Ru enjoying the party.

Mark Leaves :(

Mark has left for Afghanistan. We miss him so much, and can't wait for his return in February!

This was in an airport in Bangor, Maine on his way overseas. A group of Vets meet them and take photos to send home to families. We really appreciated this one of Mark and a little Shelby look-a-like!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Making Christmas Cookies

We made green christmas tree cookies again this year! Yummy!

Ava and Jennifer decorating the cookies.

Me, using the cookie press.

Ava enjoying the finished product!

The McGarrh Agency Office Party

Dad had his office Christmas party in the newly completed Delta Room!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our Christmas Tree

Outside Christmas Lights

Mark working very hard putting up our lights!

The end result!

Christmas Decoration Redo

My mom brought me this old arrangement from my meme's house. It had a lot of mauve in it. So I made it a little more Christmassy!

