Saturday, September 25, 2010

Georgia Game

We had a great time at the Georgia game! The weather was perfect for a fun day of tailgating!

Me and Mark.
We spotted some planes in the sky.

I got to see some of my friends from Greenwood - Swayze and Paige!

Shelby got to come to. She hung out in Mark's parents RV - way to show your team spirit!

Me and Jennifer with our too shades of Maroon.

Me, Dad and Mom.
Me and Aunt Deborah.

Uncle David enjoying the weather.

Jennifer and Michael.

Ava got to open her birthday present from me and Mark. She loved her bristle blocks!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Day at the Lake

The Tervin's invited us out on their boat this weekend. We had a great time hanging out and getting pulled on the raft.

Me and Leslie enjoying the wind in our face.

Dave and Trenton hanging on.

Mark and Shelby enjoying the ride!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

MSU - Memphis Game

We had a great time at the game last weekend. The weather was perfect! We started the day off tailgating with Mark's parents at their RV. We had lots of fun - eating and playing play station! Than we visited my parents - and celebrated Mom's, Jennifer's and my birthday!

Kim and Ben stopped by to say hello - looking all cute and pregnant!

Ava and Autumn enjoying some great food!

Ava helped Mom open her birthday presents.

Time to go home - getting sleepy!