Thursday, April 22, 2010

My New Sewing Machine

I just got a new sewing machine. I'm very excited!

I made a cute pin cushion out of some scraps I had left over from various projects.

I made a sun glasses case from some old ribbon. It was fun playing with all of the different stitches.

I made a cute little sun dress. Hope it fits Ava!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Master Fever!

Mark has been really excited about the Masters - as you can see, maybe a little too excited! His Dad was in Augusta the week before and sent us a package with all kinds of Masters gear. Thanks Mr. Scott!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Family Day at Camp Shelby

Mark's battalion all got together last Thursday to cook out and play games. We brought Shelby and had a great time getting to know everyone. The weather was great!

Mark and Shelby in front of the lake.

Shelby was a hit with all of the kids!

Mark giving out an award to one of his soldiers.